Catholic conferences… for the rest of us!

We’re continuing to publish these conferences to YouTube for free. The latest few are completely published.
More will continue to be added! Join the mailing list for updates. 

Sharing the Church’s Story

Sharing the Church’s Story

Simple, powerful tips and workshops so that everyone can share the Church’s story with charity, clarity, and confidence.

Catholic Dating

Catholic Dating

Stories and insights for Catholic singles, engaged, and married couples. Discover the real, thrilling meaning to romance, and how we create happily-ever-after in the real world.

Emmanuel Festival & Fair

Emmanuel Festival & Fair

A festival of Christmas stories and traditions from around the world. Celebrate how ‘God with us’ makes being Catholic more exciting!

A Renewed Hope

A Renewed Hope

Discover the excitement, passion, and hope in sharing big, beautiful ideas, and why Catholicism makes life worth living!

Immortal Combat

Immortal Combat

Catholic men today have a unique call to engage in an immortal combat with confidence, joy and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Events we’ve helped produce:

A Renewed Hope | SmartCatholics Conference
A Renewed Hope | SmartCatholics Conference

Interested in hosting your event?

Contact us today ->

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